The Way to Storage Rice


Nowadays, modern agriculture is faced with a huge task--including the proper storage, reuse or disposal of a broad range of different media, from crop yields to bulk materials, liquid manure or vegetable and animal waste. Today I will talk about the way how to storage rice, for people who are trouble in storage.

Silo used for rice is always the best way to storage. With its unique design, own space and time-saving, it can be in a different sizes with qualified guarantee. In the process, the systems are offered either as a complete solution or in individual components together with selected accessories depending on the requirements.

The first way of rice silo is to ensure the quality of rice inside the silo. Due to its high moisture content and impurity, unsound grain, easy to fever and mildew, the storage time of rice is short. Therefore, ensuring the rice quality is too important. For the rice with high moisture content, large impurity, the user shall store the rice according to rice grade, as well dry and remove the impurity in time.

Next, users should keep rice timely ventilated, low temperature and moisture content because the fresh rice is with strong breath, high rice temperature and moisture content. Especially in autumn, it will have a big temperature difference between inside and outside of the silo. So keep rice ventilated frequently is very important.

The last way is low temperature and sealed. You can make full use of the winter’s drying to keep the rice ventilated and low the rice temperature under 10℃, as well low the moisture content into safe standard.